path: root/test/main.cpp
diff options
authorVegard Storheil Eriksen <>2014-11-09 23:11:32 +0100
committerVegard Storheil Eriksen <>2014-11-09 23:11:32 +0100
commitbe79b45f8c84bf6e685b408b2693f21d75d869c4 (patch)
treea97fcf1cd5472897c53d8e4ff8b0363b182aa479 /test/main.cpp
parent57e93ec2ed70c6b433d33d4951d8a20f4154c640 (diff)
Moved files for each firmware build to its own directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/main.cpp b/test/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9475507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+#include <rcc/rcc.h>
+#include <gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <interrupt/interrupt.h>
+#include <timer/timer.h>
+#include <os/time.h>
+#include <usb/usb.h>
+#include <usb/descriptor.h>
+auto dev_desc = device_desc(0x200, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x110, 1, 2, 3, 1);
+auto conf_desc = configuration_desc(0, 1, 0, 0xc0, 0);
+desc_t dev_desc_p = {sizeof(dev_desc), (void*)&dev_desc};
+desc_t conf_desc_p = {sizeof(conf_desc), (void*)&conf_desc};
+static Pin usb_dm = GPIOA[11];
+static Pin usb_dp = GPIOA[12];
+static Pin usb_pu = GPIOA[15];
+static PinArray button_inputs = GPIOB.array(0, 10);
+static PinArray button_leds = GPIOC.array(0, 10);
+static Pin qe1a = GPIOA[0];
+static Pin qe1b = GPIOA[1];
+static Pin qe2a = GPIOA[6];
+static Pin qe2b = GPIOA[7];
+static Pin led1 = GPIOA[8];
+static Pin led2 = GPIOA[9];
+USB_f1 usb(USB, dev_desc_p, conf_desc_p);
+class USB_arcin_test : public USB_class_driver {
+ private:
+ USB_generic& usb;
+ uint8_t qe_state;
+ bool set_buttons(uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) {
+ button_inputs.set(~wValue);
+ usb.write(0, nullptr, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool get_leds(uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) {
+ if(wLength != 4) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t buf = (button_leds.get() ^ 0x7ff) | (led1.get() ? 0 : 0x10000) | (led2.get() ? 0 : 0x20000);
+ usb.write(0, &buf, 4);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void inc_qe() {
+ switch(qe_state++ & 3) {
+ case 0:
+ qe1b.on();
+ qe2b.on();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ qe1a.on();
+ qe2a.on();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void dec_qe() {
+ switch(qe_state-- & 3) {
+ case 0:
+ qe1a.on();
+ qe2a.on();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ qe1b.on();
+ qe2b.on();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool count_qe(uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) {
+ int8_t n = wValue & 0xff;
+ while(n != 0) {
+ if(n > 0) {
+ inc_qe();
+ n--;
+ } else {
+ dec_qe();
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ usb.write(0, nullptr, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public:
+ USB_arcin_test(USB_generic& usbd) : usb(usbd) {
+ usb.register_driver(this);
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual SetupStatus handle_setup(uint8_t bmRequestType, uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) {
+ if(bmRequestType == 0xc0 && bRequest == 0xf0) {
+ return set_buttons(wValue, wIndex, wLength) ? SetupStatus::Ok : SetupStatus::Stall;
+ }
+ if(bmRequestType == 0xc0 && bRequest == 0xf1) {
+ return get_leds(wValue, wIndex, wLength) ? SetupStatus::Ok : SetupStatus::Stall;
+ }
+ if(bmRequestType == 0xc0 && bRequest == 0xf2) {
+ return count_qe(wValue, wIndex, wLength) ? SetupStatus::Ok : SetupStatus::Stall;
+ }
+ return SetupStatus::Unhandled;
+ }
+USB_arcin_test usb_arcin_test(usb);
+uint32_t serial_num() {
+ uint32_t* uid = (uint32_t*)0x1ffff7ac;
+ return uid[0] * uid[1] * uid[2];
+class USB_strings : public USB_class_driver {
+ private:
+ USB_generic& usb;
+ public:
+ USB_strings(USB_generic& usbd) : usb(usbd) {
+ usb.register_driver(this);
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual SetupStatus handle_setup(uint8_t bmRequestType, uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) {
+ // Get string descriptor.
+ if(bmRequestType == 0x80 && bRequest == 0x06 && (wValue & 0xff00) == 0x0300) {
+ const void* desc = nullptr;
+ uint16_t buf[9];
+ switch(wValue & 0xff) {
+ case 0:
+ desc = u"\u0304\u0409";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ desc = u"\u0308zyp";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ desc = u"\u0316arcin test";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ {
+ buf[0] = 0x0312;
+ uint32_t id = serial_num();
+ for(int i = 8; i > 0; i--) {
+ buf[i] = (id & 0xf) > 9 ? 'A' + (id & 0xf) - 0xa : '0' + (id & 0xf);
+ id >>= 4;
+ }
+ desc = buf;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!desc) {
+ return SetupStatus::Unhandled;
+ }
+ uint8_t len = *(uint8_t*)desc;
+ if(len > wLength) {
+ len = wLength;
+ }
+ usb.write(0, (uint32_t*)desc, len);
+ return SetupStatus::Ok;
+ }
+ return SetupStatus::Unhandled;
+ }
+USB_strings usb_strings(usb);
+int main() {
+ rcc_init();
+ // Initialize system timer.
+ STK.LOAD = 72000000 / 8 / 1000; // 1000 Hz.
+ STK.CTRL = 0x03;
+ RCC.enable(RCC.GPIOA);
+ RCC.enable(RCC.GPIOB);
+ RCC.enable(RCC.GPIOC);
+ usb_dm.set_mode(Pin::AF);
+ usb_dm.set_af(14);
+ usb_dp.set_mode(Pin::AF);
+ usb_dp.set_af(14);
+ RCC.enable(RCC.USB);
+ usb.init();
+ usb_pu.set_mode(Pin::Output);
+ usb_pu.on();
+ button_inputs.set(0x7ff);
+ button_inputs.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ button_inputs.set_mode(Pin::Output);
+ button_leds.set_mode(Pin::Input);
+ button_leds.set_pull(Pin::PullUp);
+ led1.set_mode(Pin::Input);
+ led1.set_pull(Pin::PullUp);
+ led2.set_mode(Pin::Input);
+ led2.set_pull(Pin::PullUp);
+ qe1a.set(1);
+ qe1a.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ qe1a.set_mode(Pin::Output);
+ qe1b.set(1);
+ qe1b.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ qe1b.set_mode(Pin::Output);
+ qe2a.set(1);
+ qe2a.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ qe2a.set_mode(Pin::Output);
+ qe2b.set(1);
+ qe2b.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ qe2b.set_mode(Pin::Output);
+ while(1) {
+ usb.process();
+ }