#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void reset() { SCB.AIRCR = (0x5fa << 16) | (1 << 2); // SYSRESETREQ } auto dev_desc = device_desc(0x200, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0x1d50, 0x6084, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); auto conf_desc = configuration_desc(1, 1, 0, 0xc0, 0, interface_desc(0, 0, 0, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0, dfu_functional_desc(0x0d, 0, 64, 0x110) ) // HID interface. //interface_desc(1, 0, 1, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0, // hid_desc(0x111, 0, 1, 0x22, sizeof(report_desc)), // endpoint_desc(0x81, 0x03, 16, 1) //) ); desc_t dev_desc_p = {sizeof(dev_desc), (void*)&dev_desc}; desc_t conf_desc_p = {sizeof(conf_desc), (void*)&conf_desc}; //desc_t report_desc_p = {sizeof(report_desc), (void*)&report_desc}; static Pin usb_dm = GPIOA[11]; static Pin usb_dp = GPIOA[12]; static Pin usb_pu = GPIOA[15]; static PinArray button_inputs = GPIOB.array(0, 10); static PinArray button_leds = GPIOC.array(0, 10); static Pin led1 = GPIOB[14]; USB_f1 usb(USB, dev_desc_p, conf_desc_p); class Flashloader { private: bool state; uint32_t addr; public: Flashloader() : state(false) {} bool prepare() { addr = 0x8002000; state = true; // Unlock flash. FLASH.KEYR = 0x45670123; FLASH.KEYR = 0xCDEF89AB; return true; } bool write_block(uint32_t size, void* data) { if(!state) { return false; } if(size & 1) { return false; } if(addr + size > 0x8020000) { return false; } if(!(addr & (2048 - 1))) { // Erase page. FLASH.CR = 1 << 1; // PER FLASH.AR = addr; FLASH.CR = (1 << 6) | (1 << 1); // STRT, PER while(FLASH.SR & (1 << 0)); // BSY FLASH.SR &= ~(1 << 5); // EOP FLASH.CR = 0; } uint16_t* src = (uint16_t*)data; uint16_t* dest = (uint16_t*)addr; for(uint32_t n = 0; n < size; n += 2) { FLASH.CR = 1 << 0; // PG *dest++ = *src++; while(FLASH.SR & (1 << 0)); // BSY } addr += size; return true; } bool finish() { state = false; FLASH.CR = 1 << 7; // LOCK return true; } }; Flashloader flashloader; class USB_DFU : public USB_class_driver { private: USB_generic& usb; uint8_t state; bool get_status(uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) { if(wLength > 6) { wLength = 6; } uint8_t buf[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, state, 0}; usb.write(0, (uint32_t*)buf, wLength); return true; } bool download(uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) { if(!wLength) { state = 2; if(!flashloader.finish()) { return false; } usb.write(0, nullptr, 0); return true; } if(state == 2) { state = 5; return flashloader.prepare(); } return true; } public: USB_DFU(USB_generic& usbd) : usb(usbd), state(2) { usb.register_driver(this); } protected: virtual SetupStatus handle_setup(uint8_t bmRequestType, uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint16_t wLength) { // DFU_GETSTATUS if(bmRequestType == 0xa1 && bRequest == 0x03) { return get_status(wValue, wIndex, wLength) ? SetupStatus::Ok : SetupStatus::Stall; } // DFU_CLRSTATUS // DFU_GETSTATE // DFU_ABORT // DFU_DNLOAD if(bmRequestType == 0x21 && bRequest == 0x01) { return download(wValue, wIndex, wLength) ? SetupStatus::Ok : SetupStatus::Stall; } return SetupStatus::Unhandled; } virtual void handle_out(uint8_t ep, uint32_t len) { if(ep != 0 || len == 0) { return; } uint32_t buf[16]; usb.read(ep, buf, len); if(state == 5) { flashloader.write_block(len, buf); } usb.write(0, nullptr, 0); } }; USB_DFU usb_dfu(usb); /* uint32_t last_led_time; class HID_arcin : public USB_HID { public: HID_arcin(USB_generic& usbd, desc_t rdesc) : USB_HID(usbd, rdesc, 1, 1, 64) {} protected: virtual bool set_output_report(uint32_t* buf, uint32_t len) { last_led_time = Time::time(); button_leds.set(*buf); return true; } }; HID_arcin usb_hid(usb, report_desc_p); */ void chainload(uint32_t offset) { SCB.VTOR = offset; asm volatile("ldr sp, [%0]; ldr %0, [%0, #4]; bx %0" :: "r" (offset)); } uint32_t& reset_reason = *(uint32_t*)0x10000000; uint32_t* firmware_vtors = (uint32_t*)0x8002000; bool normal_boot() { // Check if this was a reset-to-bootloader. if(reset_reason == 0xb007) { reset_reason = 0; return false; } // Check buttons. if((button_inputs.get() ^ 0x7ff) == ((1 << 1) | (1 << 0))) { return false; } // Check that reset vector is a valid flash address. uint32_t reset_vector = firmware_vtors[1]; if(reset_vector < 0x8002000 || reset_vector >= 0x8020000) { return false; } // No reason to enter bootloader. return true; } int main() { RCC.enable(RCC.GPIOA); RCC.enable(RCC.GPIOB); RCC.enable(RCC.GPIOC); button_inputs.set_mode(Pin::Input); button_inputs.set_pull(Pin::PullUp); button_leds.set_mode(Pin::Output); led1.set_mode(Pin::Output); if(normal_boot()) { chainload(0x8002000); } rcc_init(); // Initialize system timer. STK.LOAD = 72000000 / 8 / 1000; // 1000 Hz. STK.CTRL = 0x03; usb_dm.set_mode(Pin::AF); usb_dm.set_af(14); usb_dp.set_mode(Pin::AF); usb_dp.set_af(14); RCC.enable(RCC.USB); usb.init(); usb_pu.set_mode(Pin::Output); usb_pu.on(); while(1) { usb.process(); if(~button_inputs.get() & (1 << 5)) { reset(); } GPIOC[0].set(Time::time() & 512); /* usb.process(); uint16_t buttons = button_inputs.get() ^ 0x7ff; if(Time::time() - last_led_time > 1000) { button_leds.set(buttons); } if(usb.ep_ready(1)) { report_t report = {buttons, uint8_t(TIM2.CNT), uint8_t(TIM3.CNT)}; usb.write(1, (uint32_t*)&report, sizeof(report)); } */ } }