# -*- coding: utf8 -*- info = { 'author': 'Jon Bergli Heier', 'title': 'Traffic data', 'description': 'Traffic data from Statens Vegvesen', } import urllib2, urllib from lxml import etree counties = { 'Akershus': 2, 'Aust-Agder': 9, 'Buskerud': 6, 'Finnmark': 20, 'Hedmark': 4, 'Hordaland': 12, u'Møre og Romsdal': 15, u'Nord-Trøndelag': 17, 'Nordland': 18, 'Oppland': 5, 'Oslo': 3, 'Rogaland': 11, 'Sogn og Fjordane': 14, u'Sør-Trøndelag': 16, 'Telemark': 8, 'Troms': 19, 'Vest-Agder': 10, 'Vestfold': 7, u'Østfold': 1, } class InvalidCountyException(Exception): pass class AmbiguousCountyException(Exception): pass class Module: def __init__(self, bot): self.irc = bot if self.irc: self.irc.register_keyword('!traffic', self) def traffic(self, args): if len(args) == 2: rn, c = args elif args[0][-1].isdigit(): rn = args[0] c = None else: rn = None c = args[0] if c: c = c.decode('utf8').lower() matches = [s for s in counties if c in s.lower()] if not len(matches): raise InvalidCountyException() elif len(matches) > 1: raise AmbiguousCountyException(matches) else: c = matches[0] if rn: if rn.lower().startswith('e'): rt = 'Ev' elif rn.lower().startswith('r'): rt = 'Rv' else: rt = 'Alle' else: rt = None while rn and not rn[0].isdigit(): rn = rn[1:] if rt and rn: url = 'http://www.vegvesen.no/trafikk/xml/search.xml?searchFocus.roadTypes=%s&searchFocus.roadNumber=%s' % (rt, rn) elif c: url = 'http://www.vegvesen.no/trafikk/xml/search.xml?searchFocus.counties=%d' % counties[c] u = urllib2.urlopen(url) xml = etree.parse(u) results = [] for message in xml.xpath('/searchresult/result-array/result/messages/message'): if (rt and c and c.lower() in (x.text.lower() for x in message.xpath('actualCounties/string'))) or not c or not rt: if len(results) == 5: if rt and rn: results.append('More results: http://www.vegvesen.no/Trafikkinformasjon/Reiseinformasjon/Trafikkmeldinger?%s' % urllib.urlencode({ 'type': 'veg', 'vegkategorier': rt, 'vegnummer': '6', })) else: results.append('More results: http://www.vegvesen.no/Trafikkinformasjon/Reiseinformasjon/Trafikkmeldinger?%s' % urllib.urlencode({ 'type': 'fylke', 'fylke': counties[c], })) break results.append('\002%s\002 - %s' % (message.find('heading').text, message.find('ingress').text)) return results def keyword(self, nick, channel, kw, msg): if not len(msg): self.irc.msg(channel if not channel == self.irc.nickname else nick.split('!')[0], 'Usage: !traffic [ROADNO] [COUNTY]') return try: for line in self.traffic(msg.split()): self.irc.msg(nick.split('!')[0], line.encode('utf8')) except InvalidCountyException: self.irc.msg(channel if not channel == self.irc.nickname else nick.split('!')[0], 'Invalid county.') except AmbiguousCountyException as e: self.irc.msg(channel if not channel == self.irc.nickname else nick.split('!')[0], ('Ambiguous county: %s' % (', '.join(e.message))).encode('utf8')) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys m = Module(None) print '\n'.join(m.traffic(sys.argv[1:]))