#include "pg.h" EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; static inline int iserror() { return !(SQLSTATE[0] == '0' && SQLSTATE[1] == '0'); } static inline void printerror() { printf("%c%c%c%c%c\n", SQLSTATE[0], SQLSTATE[1], SQLSTATE[2], SQLSTATE[3], SQLSTATE[4]); } static inline int testerror(const char *code) { for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if(code[i] != SQLSTATE[i]) return 0; } return 1; } int pg_connect(const char *string) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; const char *target = string; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :target; if(iserror()) { sqlprint(); printerror(); } return !iserror(); } void pg_disconnect() { EXEC SQL DISCONNECT; } int pg_init() { EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR GOTO pg_init_error; EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE schema (version INTEGER); EXEC SQL INSERT INTO schema (version) VALUES (1); EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE channel ( id serial, name varchar, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (name) ); EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE channel_hours ( channel_id integer, time_index integer, lines integer, PRIMARY KEY (channel_id, time_index), FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES channel (id) ); EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE channel_file ( id serial, channel_id integer, path varchar, lastpos integer default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES channel (id) ); /* "user" is a reserved word */ EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE users ( id serial, channel_id integer, nick varchar, words integer, characters integer, kicks integer, kicked integer, monolog_lines integer, monologs integer, seen_first integer, seen_last integer, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (channel_id) REFERENCES channel (id) ); EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE user_hours ( user_id integer, time_index integer, lines integer, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, time_index), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id) ); EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE word ( id serial, name varchar, count integer, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); EXEC SQL COMMIT; return 1; pg_init_error: sqlprint(); return 0; } EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; int pg_upgrade() { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int version = 0; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT version INTO :version FROM schema; if(testerror("02000")) { EXEC SQL INSERT INTO schema (version) VALUES (1); } else if(iserror()) { sqlprint(); return 0; } printf("current schema version: %d\n", version); EXEC SQL COMMIT; return !iserror(); } EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR SQLPRINT; void pg_dropall() { EXEC SQL DROP TABLE channel CASCADE; EXEC SQL DROP TABLE channel_hours; EXEC SQL DROP TABLE channel_file; EXEC SQL DROP TABLE users CASCADE; EXEC SQL DROP TABLE user_hours; EXEC SQL DROP TABLE word; EXEC SQL DROP TABLE schema; EXEC SQL COMMIT; } EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; int pg_channel_get(struct channel_t *channel) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; const char *name = channel->name; int id = 0; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT id INTO :id FROM channel WHERE name = :name; int do_insert = iserror() && testerror("02000"); if(iserror() && !do_insert) { printerror(); sqlprint(); } EXEC SQL COMMIT; if(do_insert) { EXEC SQL INSERT INTO channel (name) VALUES (:name) RETURNING id INTO :id; EXEC SQL COMMIT; } return id; } long pg_channel_file_get(int channel_id, struct channel_file_t *file) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int id = channel_id; const char *path = file->path; long lastpos = 0; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT lastpos INTO :lastpos FROM channel_file WHERE channel_id = :id AND path = :path; int do_insert = iserror() && testerror("02000"); if(iserror() && !do_insert) { printerror(); sqlprint(); } EXEC SQL COMMIT; if(do_insert) { EXEC SQL INSERT INTO channel_file (channel_id, path) VALUES (:id, :path); if(iserror()) sqlprint(); EXEC SQL COMMIT; } return lastpos; } void pg_channel_file_set(int channel_id, struct channel_file_t *file, long pos) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int id = channel_id; const char *path = file->path; long lastpos = pos; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL UPDATE channel_file SET lastpos = :lastpos WHERE channel_id = :id AND path = :path; EXEC SQL COMMIT; } void pg_user_set(int channel, struct user_t *user) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; const char *nick = user->nick; int id = user->id, channel_id = channel, words = user->words, characters = user->characters, kicks = user->kicks, kicked = user->kicked, monolog_lines = user->monolog_lines, monologs = user->monologs, seen_first = user->seen_first, seen_last = user->seen_last; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL UPDATE users SET words = :words, characters = :characters, kicks = :kicks, kicked = :kicked, monolog_lines = :monolog_lines, monologs = :monologs, seen_first = :seen_first, seen_last = :seen_last WHERE id = :id AND channel_id = :channel_id; int do_insert = iserror() && testerror("02000"); if(iserror() && !do_insert) { printerror(); sqlprint(); } else { for(int ti = 0; ti < 24*4; ti++) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int lines = user->lines[ti], index = ti; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL UPDATE users SET lines = :lines WHERE user_id = :id AND time_index = :index; } } EXEC SQL COMMIT; if(do_insert) { EXEC SQL INSERT INTO users (channel_id, nick, words, characters, kicks, kicked, monolog_lines, monologs, seen_first, seen_last) VALUES (:channel_id, :nick, :words, :characters, :kicks, :kicked, :monolog_lines, :monologs, :seen_first, :seen_last) RETURNING id INTO :id; for(int ti = 0; ti < 24*4; ti++) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int index = ti, lines = user->lines[ti]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL INSERT INTO user_hours (user_id, time_index, lines) VALUES (:id, :index, :lines); if(iserror()) sqlprint(); } if(iserror()) sqlprint(); EXEC SQL COMMIT; } } EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR SQLPRINT; void pg_users_get(int channel) { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int channel_id = channel; char *nick; int id = 0, words, characters, kicks, kicked, monolog_lines, monologs, seen_first, seen_last; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL DECLARE usercursor CURSOR FOR SELECT id, words, characters, kicks, kicked, monolog_lines, monologs, seen_first, seen_last FROM users WHERE channel_id = :channel_id; EXEC SQL OPEN usercursor; EXEC SQL FETCH NEXT FROM usercursor INTO :id, :nick, :words, :characters, :kicks, :kicked, :monolog_lines, :monologs, :seen_first, :seen_last; if(id == 0) goto pg_users_get_close; do { printf("fetched user %s\n", nick); struct user_t *user = user_get(nick); user->id = id; user->words = words; user->characters = characters; user->kicks = kicks; user->kicked = kicked; user->monolog_lines = monolog_lines; user->monologs = monologs; user->seen_first = seen_first; user->seen_last = seen_last; EXEC SQL FETCH NEXT FROM usercursor INTO :id, :nick, :words, :characters, :kicks, :kicked, :monolog_lines, :monologs, :seen_first, :seen_last; } while(id > 0); pg_users_get_close: EXEC SQL CLOSE usercursor; } /* vim: set syn=c: */