diff options
authorVegard Storheil Eriksen <>2012-08-07 16:50:46 +0200
committerVegard Storheil Eriksen <>2012-08-07 16:50:46 +0200
commite586c178073b9a0fee90d5fc8e795d266ebd7b7d (patch)
Initial import.
Most sources are split off from suzumebachi project revision 2fc77d2 as is with some path changes. New build rules introduced.
32 files changed, 1870 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5761abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SConscript b/SConscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d706af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SConscript
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Don't call this file explicitly, it is called implicitly by the build rules.
+ LIB_SOURCES = Glob('*.cpp') + Glob('*/*.cpp'),
diff --git a/build_rules b/build_rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0040cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_rules
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+laks_dir = Dir('.')
+ld_dir = Dir('ld_scripts')
+main_sconscript = File('SConscript')
+def select_arm(env, family):
+ env.SetDefault(
+ TOOLCHAIN = 'arm-none-eabi-',
+ )
+ env.Replace(
+ CC = '${TOOLCHAIN}gcc',
+ CXX = '${TOOLCHAIN}g++',
+ AS = '${TOOLCHAIN}gcc',
+ LINK = '${TOOLCHAIN}gcc',
+ AR = '${TOOLCHAIN}ar',
+ RANLIB = '${TOOLCHAIN}ranlib',
+ CCFLAGS = '-O2 -Wall -ggdb -mcpu=${CPU_FAMILY} -mthumb -ffunction-sections',
+ CXXFLAGS = '-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wno-pmf-conversions',
+ ASFLAGS = '-c -x assembler-with-cpp -mcpu=${CPU_FAMILY} -mthumb',
+ LINKFLAGS = '-Wall -mcpu=${CPU_FAMILY} -mthumb -mhard-float -nostartfiles -Wl,-T${LINK_SCRIPT}', # -Wl,--gc-sections
+ CPPPATH = [laks_dir],
+ LIBPATH = [ld_dir],
+ CPU_FAMILY = family,
+ )
+ if family == 'cortex-m4':
+ env.Append(CCFLAGS = ' -mhard-float')
+def select_stm32(env, variant):
+ family = variant[5:9]
+ pin_count = variant[9]
+ flash = variant[10]
+ if family == 'f103':
+ select_arm(env, 'cortex-m3')
+ env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['STM32F1'])
+ env['LINK_SCRIPT'] = {
+ '8': 'stm32_f1_8.ld',
+ 'b': 'stm32_f1_b.ld',
+ }[flash]
+ elif family in ('f405', 'f407'):
+ select_arm(env, 'cortex-m4')
+ env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['STM32F4'])
+ env['LINK_SCRIPT'] = {
+ 'e': 'stm32_f4_e.ld',
+ 'g': 'stm32_f4_g.ld',
+ }[flash]
+ else:
+ print 'Unknown stm32 family: %s' % mcu
+ Exit(1)
+def SelectMCU(env, mcu):
+ mcu = mcu.lower()
+ if mcu.startswith('stm32'):
+ select_stm32(env, mcu)
+ else:
+ print 'Unknown MCU: %s' % mcu
+ Exit(1)
+ SConscript(main_sconscript, exports = 'env')
+AddMethod(Environment, SelectMCU)
+def Firmware(env, target, sources):
+ firmware = env.Program(target, [sources, env['LIB_SOURCES']])
+ #env.Depends(firmware, env['LINK_SCRIPT']) # TODO
+ return firmware
+AddMethod(Environment, Firmware)
diff --git a/gpio/gpio.h b/gpio/gpio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..324950e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpio/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#ifndef GPIO_H
+#define GPIO_H
+struct GPIO_t {
+ #if defined(STM32F1)
+ volatile uint32_t CRL;
+ volatile uint32_t CRH;
+ volatile uint32_t IDR;
+ volatile uint32_t ODR;
+ volatile uint32_t BSRR;
+ volatile uint32_t BRR;
+ volatile uint32_t LCKR;
+ #elif defined(STM32F4)
+ volatile uint32_t MODER;
+ volatile uint32_t OTYPER;
+ volatile uint32_t OSPEEDER;
+ volatile uint32_t PUPDR;
+ volatile uint32_t IDR;
+ volatile uint32_t ODR;
+ volatile uint32_t BSRR;
+ volatile uint32_t LCKR;
+ volatile uint32_t AFRL;
+ volatile uint32_t AFRH;
+ #endif
+#if defined(STM32F1)
+static GPIO_t& GPIOA = *(GPIO_t*)0x40010800;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOB = *(GPIO_t*)0x40010c00;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOC = *(GPIO_t*)0x40011000;
+#elif defined(STM32F4)
+static GPIO_t& GPIOA = *(GPIO_t*)0x40020000;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOB = *(GPIO_t*)0x40020400;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOC = *(GPIO_t*)0x40020800;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOD = *(GPIO_t*)0x40020c00;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOE = *(GPIO_t*)0x40021000;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOF = *(GPIO_t*)0x40021400;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOG = *(GPIO_t*)0x40021800;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOH = *(GPIO_t*)0x40021c00;
+static GPIO_t& GPIOI = *(GPIO_t*)0x40022000;
diff --git a/gpio/pin.h b/gpio/pin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad3ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpio/pin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#ifndef PIN_H
+#define PIN_H
+#include "gpio.h"
+class Pin {
+ private:
+ GPIO_t& g;
+ int n;
+ public:
+ Pin(GPIO_t& gpio, int pin) : g(gpio), n(pin) {}
+ enum Mode {
+ Input,
+ Output,
+ AF,
+ Analog,
+ };
+ enum Type {
+ PushPull,
+ OpenDrain,
+ };
+ enum Pull {
+ PullNone,
+ PullUp,
+ PullDown,
+ };
+ void set_mode(Mode m) {
+ g.MODER = (g.MODER & ~(3 << (n * 2))) | m << (n * 2);
+ }
+ void set_type(Type t) {
+ if(t) {
+ g.OTYPER |= 1 << n;
+ } else {
+ g.OTYPER &= ~(1 << n);
+ }
+ }
+ void set_pull(Pull p) {
+ g.PUPDR = (g.PUPDR & ~(3 << (n * 2))) | p << (n * 2);
+ }
+ void set_af(int af) {
+ if(n < 8) {
+ g.AFRL = (g.AFRL & ~(0xf << (n * 4))) | af << (n * 4);
+ } else {
+ g.AFRH = (g.AFRH & ~(0xf << (n * 4 - 32))) | af << (n * 4 - 32);
+ }
+ }
+ void on() {
+ g.BSRR = 1 << n;
+ }
+ void off() {
+ g.BSRR = 1 << 16 << n;
+ }
+ void set(bool value) {
+ if(value) {
+ on();
+ } else {
+ off();
+ }
+ }
+ bool get() {
+ return g.IDR & (1 << n);
+ }
+ void toggle() {
+ set(!(g.ODR & (1 << n)));
+ }
+static Pin PA0(GPIOA, 0);
+static Pin PA1(GPIOA, 1);
+static Pin PA2(GPIOA, 2);
+static Pin PA3(GPIOA, 3);
+static Pin PA4(GPIOA, 4);
+static Pin PA5(GPIOA, 5);
+static Pin PA6(GPIOA, 6);
+static Pin PA7(GPIOA, 7);
+static Pin PA8(GPIOA, 8);
+static Pin PA9(GPIOA, 9);
+static Pin PA10(GPIOA, 10);
+static Pin PA11(GPIOA, 11);
+static Pin PA12(GPIOA, 12);
+static Pin PA13(GPIOA, 13);
+static Pin PA14(GPIOA, 14);
+static Pin PA15(GPIOA, 15);
+static Pin PB0(GPIOB, 0);
+static Pin PB1(GPIOB, 1);
+static Pin PB2(GPIOB, 2);
+static Pin PB3(GPIOB, 3);
+static Pin PB4(GPIOB, 4);
+static Pin PB5(GPIOB, 5);
+static Pin PB6(GPIOB, 6);
+static Pin PB7(GPIOB, 7);
+static Pin PB8(GPIOB, 8);
+static Pin PB9(GPIOB, 9);
+static Pin PB10(GPIOB, 10);
+static Pin PB11(GPIOB, 11);
+static Pin PB12(GPIOB, 12);
+static Pin PB13(GPIOB, 13);
+static Pin PB14(GPIOB, 14);
+static Pin PB15(GPIOB, 15);
+static Pin PC0(GPIOC, 0);
+static Pin PC1(GPIOC, 1);
+static Pin PC2(GPIOC, 2);
+static Pin PC3(GPIOC, 3);
+static Pin PC4(GPIOC, 4);
+static Pin PC5(GPIOC, 5);
+static Pin PC6(GPIOC, 6);
+static Pin PC7(GPIOC, 7);
+static Pin PC8(GPIOC, 8);
+static Pin PC9(GPIOC, 9);
+static Pin PC10(GPIOC, 10);
+static Pin PC11(GPIOC, 11);
+static Pin PC12(GPIOC, 12);
+static Pin PC13(GPIOC, 13);
+static Pin PC14(GPIOC, 14);
+static Pin PC15(GPIOC, 15);
+static Pin PD12(GPIOD, 12);
+static Pin PD13(GPIOD, 13);
+static Pin PD14(GPIOD, 14);
+static Pin PD15(GPIOD, 15);
diff --git a/i2c/i2c.cpp b/i2c/i2c.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a395b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i2c/i2c.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#include "i2c.h"
+#include <rcc/rcc.h>
+#include <os/thread.h>
+#if defined(STM32F1)
+I2C_t I2C1(0x40005400, 36000000, Interrupt::I2C1_EV, Interrupt::I2C1_ER);
+I2C_t I2C2(0x40005800, 36000000, Interrupt::I2C2_EV, Interrupt::I2C2_ER);
+#elif defined(STM32F4)
+I2C_t I2C1(0x40005400, 42000000, Interrupt::I2C1_EV, Interrupt::I2C1_ER);
+I2C_t I2C2(0x40005800, 42000000, Interrupt::I2C2_EV, Interrupt::I2C2_ER);
+//I2C_t I2C3(0x40005c00, 42000000, Interrupt::I2C3_EV, Interrupt::I2C3_ER);
+void I2C_t::irq_ev() {
+ uint32_t sr1 = reg.SR1;
+ reg.SR2;
+ // EV5, SB = 1: Start condition sent.
+ if(sr1 & 0x01) {
+ // Send address.
+ reg.DR = (addr << 1) | (writing ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ // EV6, ADDR = 1: Address sent.
+ if(sr1 & 0x02) {
+ if(writing) {
+ reg.DR = *write_p++;
+ writing--;
+ } else {
+ if(reading > 1) {
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x400; // Set ACK.
+ } else {
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x200; // Set STOP.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // EV7, RxNE = 1: Receive buffer not empty.
+ if(sr1 & 0x40) {
+ *read_p++ = reg.DR;
+ reading--;
+ if(reading == 1) {
+ // Unset ACK, set STOP.
+ reg.CR1 = (reg.CR1 & ~0x400) | 0x200;
+ }
+ if(reading == 0) {
+ busy = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //reg.CR1 &= ~0x400;
+ // EV8, TxE = 1, BTF = 0: Transmit buffer empty, still writing.
+ if(sr1 & 0x80 && !(sr1 & 0x04)) {
+ if(writing) {
+ // Send data.
+ reg.DR = *write_p++;
+ writing--;
+ } else {
+ // All data sent.
+ if(reading) {
+ // Send repeat start.
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x100;
+ } else {
+ // Send stop.
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x200;
+ busy = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void I2C_t::irq_er() {
+ handle_error();
+void I2C_t::handle_error() {
+ reg.SR1;
+ reg.SR2;
+ //while(1);
+ reg.SR1 = 0;
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x200;
+ busy = 0;
+void I2C_t::enable(Pin& scl, Pin& sda) {
+ RCC.enable(RCC.I2C1);
+ asm volatile("nop");
+ scl.set_af(4);
+ sda.set_af(4);
+ scl.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ sda.set_type(Pin::OpenDrain);
+ scl.set_mode(Pin::AF);
+ sda.set_mode(Pin::AF);
+ reg.CR1 = 0x8000;
+ reg.CR1 = 0;
+ reg.CR2 = 0x700 | (clk / 1000000);
+ reg.TRISE = clk / 1000000 + 1;
+ reg.CCR = clk / 2 / 100000;
+ Interrupt::enable(irq_ev_n, &I2C_t::irq_ev, this);
+ Interrupt::enable(irq_er_n, &I2C_t::irq_er, this);
+ reg.CR1 = 1;
+void I2C_t::write_reg(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data) {
+ addr = addr_;
+ writing = 2;
+ reading = 0;
+ volatile uint8_t buf[] = {reg_, data};
+ write_p = buf;
+ busy = 1;
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x100;
+ while(busy) {
+ Thread::yield();
+ }
+void I2C_t::read_reg(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t len, uint8_t* buf) {
+ addr = addr_;
+ writing = 1;
+ reading = len;
+ write_p = &reg_;
+ read_p = buf;
+ busy = 1;
+ reg.CR1 |= 0x100;
+ while(busy) {
+ Thread::yield();
+ }
diff --git a/i2c/i2c.h b/i2c/i2c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d6949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i2c/i2c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#ifndef I2C_H
+#define I2C_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <interrupt/interrupt.h>
+#include <gpio/pin.h>
+struct I2C_reg_t {
+ volatile uint32_t CR1;
+ volatile uint32_t CR2;
+ volatile uint32_t OAR1;
+ volatile uint32_t OAR2;
+ volatile uint32_t DR;
+ volatile uint32_t SR1;
+ volatile uint32_t SR2;
+ volatile uint32_t CCR;
+ volatile uint32_t TRISE;
+class I2C_t {
+ private:
+ volatile uint8_t addr;
+ volatile uint8_t writing;
+ volatile uint8_t reading;
+ volatile uint8_t* write_p;
+ volatile uint8_t* read_p;
+ volatile bool busy;
+ public:
+ I2C_reg_t& reg;
+ const uint32_t clk;
+ Interrupt::IRQ irq_ev_n;
+ Interrupt::IRQ irq_er_n;
+ I2C_t(uint32_t reg_addr, uint32_t bus_clk, Interrupt::IRQ ev_n, Interrupt::IRQ er_n) : reg(*(I2C_reg_t*)reg_addr), clk(bus_clk), irq_ev_n(ev_n), irq_er_n(er_n) {
+ reading = writing = 0;
+ }
+ void irq_ev();
+ void irq_er();
+ void handle_error();
+ void enable(Pin& scl, Pin& sda);
+ void write_reg(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data);
+ void read_reg(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t len, uint8_t* buf);
+#if defined(STM32F1)
+extern I2C_t I2C1;
+extern I2C_t I2C2;
+#elif defined(STM32F4)
+extern I2C_t I2C1;
+extern I2C_t I2C2;
+extern I2C_t I2C3;
+typedef I2C_t I2C;
diff --git a/interrupt/fault.cpp b/interrupt/fault.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016b74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interrupt/fault.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "interrupt.h"
+#include <os/thread.h>
+#include <os/time.h>
+inline void __attribute__((naked)) switch_context() {
+ asm volatile ("cpsid i");
+ // Save unsaved registers.
+ asm volatile ("push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}" ::: "memory");
+ // Store stack pointer for old thread.
+ asm volatile ("str sp, [%0]" :: "r" (&Thread::active_thread->sp));
+ // Update running thread.
+ Thread::active_thread = Thread::active_thread->next;
+ // Fetch stack pointer for new thread.
+ asm volatile ("ldr sp, [%0]" :: "r" (&Thread::active_thread->sp));
+ asm volatile ("cpsie i");
+ // Load registers and return.
+ asm volatile ("pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, pc}" ::: "memory");
+void interrupt<Interrupt::SVCall>() {
+ switch_context();
+void interrupt<Interrupt::SysTick>() {
+ Time::tick();
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::NMI>() { while(1); }
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::HardFault>() { while(1); }
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::MemManage>() { while(1); }
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::BusFault>() { while(1); }
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::UsageFault>() { while(1); }
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::PendSV>() { while(1); }
diff --git a/interrupt/interrupt.cpp b/interrupt/interrupt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cebfed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interrupt/interrupt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include "interrupt.h"
+namespace Interrupt {
+ MFP mf_vectors[16 + NUM_IRQs];
+void entry();
+void member_function_interrupt_gate() {
+ uint32_t interrupt_num;
+ asm ("mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" (interrupt_num));
+ Interrupt::mf_vectors[interrupt_num].func_p(Interrupt::mf_vectors[interrupt_num].instance_p);
+extern "C" void unused_interrupt() {
+ member_function_interrupt_gate();
+ //while(1);
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::NMI>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::HardFault>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::MemManage>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::BusFault>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::UsageFault>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::SVCall>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::PendSV>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::SysTick>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::WWDG>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::PVD>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TAMPER>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::RTC>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::FLASH>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::RCC>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI0>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI1>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI4>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel1>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel4>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel5>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel6>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel7>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::ADC1_2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::USB_HP_CAN_TX>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::USB_LP_CAN_RX0>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::CAN_RX1>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::CAN_SCE>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI9_5>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_BRK>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_UP>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_TRG_COM>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_CC>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM4>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::I2C1_EV>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::I2C1_ER>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::I2C2_EV>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::I2C2_ER>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::SPI1>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::SPI2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::USART1>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::USART2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::USART3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI15_10>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::RTCAlarm>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::USBWakeup>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_BRK>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_UP>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_TRG_COM>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_CC>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::ADC3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::FSMC>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::SDIO>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM5>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::SPI3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::UART4>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::UART5>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM6>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::TIM7>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel1>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel2>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel3>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+template<> void interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel4_5>() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("unused_interrupt")));
+typedef void (*vector_t)();
+vector_t vectors[] __attribute__((section(".vectors"))) = {
+ (vector_t)0x20004ffc,
+ entry,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::NMI>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::HardFault>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::MemManage>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::BusFault>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::UsageFault>,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::SVCall>,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::PendSV>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::SysTick>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::WWDG>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::PVD>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TAMPER>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::RTC>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::FLASH>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::RCC>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI0>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI1>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI4>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel1>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel4>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel5>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel6>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA1_Channel7>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::ADC1_2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::USB_HP_CAN_TX>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::USB_LP_CAN_RX0>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::CAN_RX1>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::CAN_SCE>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI9_5>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_BRK>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_UP>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_TRG_COM>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM1_CC>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM4>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::I2C1_EV>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::I2C1_ER>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::I2C2_EV>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::I2C2_ER>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::SPI1>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::SPI2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::USART1>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::USART2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::USART3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::EXTI15_10>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::RTCAlarm>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::USBWakeup>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_BRK>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_UP>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_TRG_COM>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM8_CC>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::ADC3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::FSMC>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::SDIO>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM5>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::SPI3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::UART4>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::UART5>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM6>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::TIM7>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel1>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel2>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel3>,
+ interrupt<Interrupt::DMA2_Channel4_5>,
+ 0, // 60
+ 0, // 61
+ 0, // 62
+ 0, // 63
+ 0, // 64
+ 0, // 65
+ 0, // 66
+ 0, // 67
+ 0, // 68
+ 0, // 69
+ 0, // 70
+ 0, // 71
+ 0, // 72
+ 0, // 73
+ 0, // 74
+ 0, // 75
+ 0, // 76
+ interrupt<(Interrupt::IRQ)77>, // 77
diff --git a/interrupt/interrupt.h b/interrupt/interrupt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ccb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interrupt/interrupt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#ifndef INTERRUPT_H
+#define INTERRUPT_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+struct NVIC_t {
+ volatile uint32_t ISER[32];
+ volatile uint32_t ICER[32];
+ volatile uint32_t ISPR[32];
+ volatile uint32_t ICPR[32];
+ volatile uint32_t IABR[64];
+ volatile uint8_t IPR[2816];
+ volatile uint32_t STIR;
+static NVIC_t& NVIC = *(NVIC_t*)0xe000e100;
+struct SCB_t {
+ volatile uint32_t CPUID;
+ volatile uint32_t ICSR;
+ volatile uint32_t VTOR;
+ volatile uint32_t AIRCR;
+ volatile uint32_t SCR;
+ volatile uint32_t CCR;
+ volatile uint8_t SHPR[12];
+ volatile uint32_t SHCSR;
+ volatile uint32_t CFSR;
+ volatile uint32_t HFSR;
+ volatile uint32_t DFSR;
+ volatile uint32_t MMAR;
+ volatile uint32_t BFAR;
+static SCB_t& SCB = *(SCB_t*)0xe000ed00;
+namespace Interrupt {
+ enum Exception {
+ NMI = 2,
+ HardFault = 3,
+ MemManage = 4,
+ BusFault = 5,
+ UsageFault = 6,
+ SVCall = 11,
+ PendSV = 14,
+ SysTick = 15
+ };
+ enum IRQ {
+ PVD,
+ RTC,
+ RCC,
+ EXTI0,
+ EXTI1,
+ EXTI2,
+ EXTI3,
+ EXTI4,
+ DMA1_Channel1,
+ DMA1_Channel2,
+ DMA1_Channel3,
+ DMA1_Channel4,
+ DMA1_Channel5,
+ DMA1_Channel6,
+ DMA1_Channel7,
+ ADC1_2,
+ CAN_RX1,
+ EXTI9_5,
+ TIM1_UP,
+ TIM1_CC,
+ TIM2,
+ TIM3,
+ TIM4,
+ I2C1_EV,
+ I2C1_ER,
+ I2C2_EV,
+ I2C2_ER,
+ SPI1,
+ SPI2,
+ EXTI15_10,
+ RTCAlarm,
+ USBWakeup,
+ TIM8_UP,
+ TIM8_CC,
+ ADC3,
+ TIM5,
+ SPI3,
+ UART4,
+ UART5,
+ TIM6,
+ TIM7,
+ DMA2_Channel1,
+ DMA2_Channel2,
+ DMA2_Channel3,
+ DMA2_Channel4_5,
+ };
+ inline void enable(IRQ n) {
+ NVIC.ISER[n >> 5] = 1 << (n & 0x1f);
+ }
+ inline void set_priority(Exception n, uint8_t priority) {
+ SCB.SHPR[n - 4] = priority;
+ }
+ inline void set_priority(IRQ n, uint8_t priority) {
+ NVIC.IPR[n] = priority;
+ }
+ struct MFP {
+ void (*func_p)(void*);
+ void* instance_p;
+ };
+ extern MFP mf_vectors[];
+ template<class T>
+ inline void set_handler(IRQ n, void (T::*f)(), T* i) {
+ MFP& mfp = mf_vectors[16 + n];
+ mfp.func_p = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void*)>(f);
+ mfp.instance_p = i;
+ }