#include "kernel.h" #include "paging.h" extern void main(); asm( ".globl entry\n" "entry:\n" "mov $entry_stack_top, %esp\n" "push %ebx\n" "push %eax\n" "call entry_main\n" ); void entry_copy_multiboot(multiboot_info_t* mb_info); void entry_main(uint32_t mb_magic, multiboot_info_t* mb_info) { if(mb_magic != 0x2badb002) { goto stop; } entry_copy_multiboot(mb_info); // Create initial page tables. for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { // Clear page directory. entry_pagedir[i] = 0; // Identity mapping of the current code. entry_pagetable_low[i] = ((uint32_t)&addr_phys & 0xffc00000) | (i << 12) | P1_P | P1_W; // Map kernelspace. if((i << 12) < ((uint32_t)&addr_virt_end & 0x003fffff)) { entry_pagetable_high[i] = ((uint32_t)&addr_load_virt + (i << 12)) | P1_P | P1_W | P1_G; } else { entry_pagetable_high[i] = 0; } } entry_pagetable_high[((uint32_t)&multiboot_info & 0x003ff000) >> 12] = (uint32_t)&entry_multiboot | P1_P | P1_W | P1_G; entry_pagedir[(uint32_t)&addr_phys >> 22] = (uint32_t)&entry_pagetable_low | P2_P | P2_W; entry_pagedir[(uint32_t)&addr_virt >> 22] = (uint32_t)&entry_pagetable_high | P2_P | P2_W | P2_G; // Map map_p1. entry_pagedir[1022] = (uint32_t)&entry_pagedir | P2_P | P2_W | P2_G; // Mapping stack to top without creating another page directory. entry_pagetable_low[1023] = (uint32_t)&entry_stack | P1_P | P1_W | P1_G; entry_pagedir[1023] = (uint32_t)&entry_pagetable_low | P2_P | P2_W | P2_G; // Enable paging. asm volatile( "mov %0, %%cr3\n" "mov %%cr0, %0\n" "or $0x80000000, %0\n" "mov %0, %%cr0\n" :: "r" (&entry_pagedir) : "%0" ); // TODO: Check that segments are loaded and mapped right. // Call main() in virtual memory. asm volatile("mov $stack_top, %esp"); main(); stop: asm volatile( "cli\n" "hlt\n" ); while(1); } #define memcpy(source, target, size) asm volatile( \ "cld\n" \ "rep movsd\n" \ :: "S" (source), "D" (target), "c" (size / 4) \ : "flags", "memory") unsigned int strcpy(char* source, char* target) { unsigned int i = 0; while(*source) { *target++ = *source++; i++; } *target = 0; return i + 1; } void entry_copy_multiboot(multiboot_info_t* mb_info) { // Copy multiboot structure. memcpy(mb_info, &entry_multiboot, sizeof(multiboot_info_t)); uint32_t low_p = (uint32_t)&entry_multiboot + sizeof(multiboot_info_t); uint32_t high_p = (uint32_t)&multiboot_info + sizeof(multiboot_info_t); // Copy module structures. memcpy(mb_info->mods_addr, low_p, mb_info->mods_count * sizeof(multiboot_module_t)); entry_multiboot.mods_addr = (multiboot_module_t*)high_p; multiboot_module_t* mods_addr = (multiboot_module_t*)low_p; low_p += mb_info->mods_count * sizeof(multiboot_module_t); high_p += mb_info->mods_count * sizeof(multiboot_module_t); // Copy strings. unsigned int s; s = strcpy(entry_multiboot.cmdline, (char*)low_p); entry_multiboot.cmdline = (char*)high_p; low_p += s; high_p += s; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entry_multiboot.mods_count; i++) { s = strcpy(mods_addr[i].string, (char*)low_p); mods_addr[i].string = (char*)high_p; low_p += s; high_p += s; } }