#include "rcc.h" #include "stm32.h" void rcc_init() { #if defined(STM32F1) // Set flash latency. FLASH.ACR = 0x12; // Enable HSE. RCC.CR |= 0x10000; while(RCC.CR & 0x20000); // Configure and enable PLL. RCC.CFGR = 0x1d0000; RCC.CR |= 0x1000000; while(!(RCC.CR & 0x2000000)); // Switch to PLL. RCC.CFGR |= 0x2; while(!(RCC.CFGR & 0x8)); // Set APB1 prescaler to /2. RCC.CFGR |= 0x400; // Set ADCCLK prescaler to /6. RCC.CFGR |= 0x8000; #elif defined(STM32F4) // Set flash latency. FLASH.ACR = 0x105; while(FLASH.ACR != 0x105); // Enable HSE. RCC.CR |= 0x10000; while(!(RCC.CR & 0x20000)); // Configure and enable PLL. RCC.PLLCFGR = 0x20400000 | (7 << 24) | (2 * 168 << 6) | 8; RCC.CR |= 0x1000000; while(!(RCC.CR & 0x2000000)); // Switch to PLL. RCC.CFGR |= 0x2; while(!(RCC.CFGR & 0x8)); // Set APB1 prescaler to /4. RCC.CFGR |= 5 << 10; // Set APB2 prescaler to /2. RCC.CFGR |= 4 << 13; #endif }