#include "stm32.h" #include "interrupt.h" volatile unsigned int cnt; void i2c_write_reg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) { I2C2.CR1 |= 0x100; while(!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x01)); I2C2.DR = (addr << 1) | 0; while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x02)); I2C2.SR2; I2C2.DR = reg; while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x80)); I2C2.DR = data; while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x04)); I2C2.CR1 |= 0x200; } void i2c_read_reg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t len, uint8_t* buf) { I2C2.CR1 |= 0x100; while(!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x01)); I2C2.DR = (addr << 1) | 0; while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x02)); I2C2.SR2; I2C2.DR = reg; while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x80)); I2C2.CR1 |= 0x100; while(!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x01)); I2C2.DR = (addr << 1) | 1; while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x02)); I2C2.SR2; I2C2.CR1 |= 0x400; // Set ACK. while(len) { if(len == 3) { while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x04)); // Wait for BTF I2C2.CR1 &= ~0x400; // Clear ACK. *buf++ = I2C2.DR; len--; I2C2.CR1 |= 0x200; // Set STOP. *buf++ = I2C2.DR; len--; } else { while (!(I2C2.SR1 & 0x40)); // Wait for RXNE *buf++ = I2C2.DR; len--; } } } template<> void interrupt() { USART1.DR; GPIOA.ODR ^= 1 << 5; } void usart_send(uint8_t data) { while(!(USART1.SR & 0x80)); // Wait for TXE. USART1.DR = data; } void xbee_send(int len, const uint8_t* buf) { // Start and length. usart_send(0x7e); usart_send(((len + 14) >> 8) & 0xff); usart_send((len + 14) & 0xff); // Frame type and ID. usart_send(0x10); usart_send(0x01); // Destination address. usart_send(0x00); usart_send(0x13); usart_send(0xa2); usart_send(0x00); usart_send(0x40); usart_send(0x6f); usart_send(0x19); usart_send(0xf1); usart_send(0x00); usart_send(0x00); usart_send(0x00); usart_send(0x00); uint8_t chsum = 0x80; // Payload for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { usart_send(buf[i]); chsum -= buf[i]; } usart_send(chsum); } class PPMSum { friend void interrupt(); private: static PPMSum* self; uint8_t index; uint16_t channels[16]; void irq() { int16_t sr = TIM4.SR; TIM4.SR = 0; if(sr & 0x06) { GPIOA.ODR = 1 << 5; } else { GPIOA.ODR = 0; } if(sr & 0x01) { // Timeout. // TODO: Indicate failsafe. } else if(sr & 0x02) { // Period. if(TIM4.CCR1 > 5000) { index = 0; } else { index++; } } else if(sr & 0x04) { // Pulsewidth. channels[index] = TIM4.CCR2; } } public: PPMSum() { self = this; } void start() { RCC.enable(RCC.TIM4); TIM4.PSC = 36; TIM4.CCMR1 = 0x0201; TIM4.SMCR = 0x54; TIM4.CCER = 0x31; TIM4.DIER = 0x07; Interrupt::enable(Interrupt::TIM4); TIM4.CR1 = 0x05; } }; PPMSum* PPMSum::self = 0; template<> void interrupt() { PPMSum::self->irq(); } int main() { RCC.enable(RCC.AFIO); RCC.enable(RCC.IOPA); RCC.enable(RCC.IOPB); GPIOA.CRL = 0x44344444; GPIOA.CRH = 0x444444b4; GPIOA.ODR = 1 << 5; GPIOB.CRH = 0x4444ff44; cnt = 0; while(cnt++ < (1 << 20)); // 100 kHz. RCC.enable(RCC.I2C2); while(cnt++ < (1 << 20)); I2C2.CR1 = 0x8000; I2C2.CR1 = 0; I2C2.CR2 = 36; I2C2.TRISE = 37; I2C2.CCR = 180; I2C2.CR1 = 1; i2c_write_reg(0x68, 0x3e, 0x03); i2c_write_reg(0x68, 0x16, 0x18 | 0x02); uint8_t buf[6]; RCC.enable(RCC.USART1); USART1.BRR = 7500; // 9600 baud USART1.CR1 = 0x202c; Interrupt::enable(Interrupt::USART1); PPMSum ppmsum; ppmsum.start(); while(1) { cnt++; if(cnt & (1 << 20)) { //GPIOA.ODR = 1 << 5; } else { //GPIOA.ODR = 0; } if(!(cnt & ((1 << 20) - 1))) { i2c_read_reg(0x68, 0x1d, 6, buf); //xbee_send(6, buf); } } } /* #include "thread.h" #include "usbserial.h" #include "itg3200.h" #include "bma150.h" #include "ak8975.h" #include "ppmsum.h" #include "motormixer.h" #include #include #include "IMU.h" class LEDThread : public BaseThread { public: noreturn_t thread_main() { systime_t time = chTimeNow(); // T0 while (TRUE) { time += MS2ST(1000); // Next deadline palClearPad(GPIOA, 5); chThdSleepUntil(time); time += MS2ST(1000); // Next deadline palSetPad(GPIOA, 5); chThdSleepUntil(time); } } }; LEDThread led_thread; PPMSum ppmsum; MotorMixer motors; class USBThread : public BaseThread { private: typedef enum {W_S, W_N, W_V} w_s_t; public: USBSerial* usbs; uint8_t data[9]; noreturn_t thread_main() { for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { data[i] = 0; } w_s_t w_s = W_S; uint8_t w_n = 0; while(1) { size_t buffer = usbs->getc(); if(buffer >= 0 && buffer < 256) { if(w_s == W_S && buffer == 'S') { w_s = W_N; } else if(w_s == W_N && buffer >= '1' && buffer <= '9') { w_s = W_V; w_n = buffer - '1'; } else if(w_s == W_V) { w_s = W_S; data[w_n] = buffer; } else { w_s = W_S; } } } } }; USBThread usb_thread; USBSerial usbs; #include "foo.h" #include uint8_t syncword[] = {0xff, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x55}; uint8_t buf[64]; int16_t* sensordata = (int16_t*)buf; template inline void saturate(T& var, int absmax) { if(var > absmax) { var = absmax; } else if(var < -absmax) { var = -absmax; } } class I2CThread : public BaseThread { public: ITG3200 gyro; BMA150 acc; AK8975 magn; int16_t x, y, z; noreturn_t thread_main() { I2CSensor::enable_bus(); gyro.init(); acc.init(); magn.init(); systime_t time = chTimeNow(); int32_t pitch_angle_accum = 0; int32_t roll_angle_accum = 0; while (1) { gyro.update(); acc.update(); magn.update(); x = gyro.x; y = gyro.y; z = gyro.z; IMUupdate(gyro.x * 0.0012141420883438813, gyro.y * 0.0012141420883438813, gyro.z * 0.0012141420883438813, acc.x, acc.y, acc.z); //float pitch = asinf(2*(q0*q2 - q3*q1)); //int16_t pitch = atan2f(2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1), 1 - 2 * (q1*q1 + q2*q2)) / M_PI * 32767; //int16_t roll = atan2f(2*(-q1*q3 + q0*q2), 1 - 2 * (q1*q1 + q2*q2)) / M_PI * 32767; //int16_t yaw = atan2f(2*(q2*q1 + q0*q3), 1 - 2 * (q3*q3 + q2*q2)) / M_PI * 32767; float norm_x = 2*(q0*q2 - q1*q3); float norm_y = 2*(q0*q1 + q2*q3); float norm_z = (1 - 2*(q1*q1 + q2*q2)); float elev = acosf(norm_z); float azim = atan2f(norm_y, norm_x); int16_t pitch = elev * sinf(azim) / M_PI * 32767; int16_t roll = elev * cosf(azim) / M_PI * 32767; int16_t yaw = 0; sensordata[0] = gyro.x; sensordata[1] = gyro.y; sensordata[2] = gyro.z; sensordata[3] = acc.x; sensordata[4] = acc.y; sensordata[5] = acc.z; sensordata[6] = magn.x; sensordata[7] = magn.y; sensordata[8] = magn.z; sensordata[9] = pitch; sensordata[10] = roll; sensordata[11] = yaw; usbs.write(syncword, sizeof(syncword)); usbs.write(buf, sizeof(buf)); /*usbprintf(usbs, "%6d, %6d, %6d | %6d, %6d, %6d | %6d, %6d, %6d | %6d, %6d, %6d, %6d | %6d, %6d, %6d\r\n", gyro.x, gyro.y, gyro.z, acc.x, acc.y, acc.z, magn.x, magn.y, magn.z, int(q0 * 10000), int(q1 * 10000), int(q2 * 10000), int(q3 * 10000), int(pitch * 10000), int(roll * 10000), int(yaw * 10000));*//* int16_t pitch_angle_target = (ppmsum.data[1] - 500) * 8; int16_t roll_angle_target = (ppmsum.data[0] - 500) * 8; int16_t pitch_angle_error = pitch_angle_target - pitch; int16_t roll_angle_error = roll_angle_target - roll; // 25 deg max error. saturate(pitch_angle_error, 4551); saturate(roll_angle_error, 4551); pitch_angle_accum += pitch_angle_error; roll_angle_accum += roll_angle_error; // 20 deg s max error. saturate(pitch_angle_accum, 364088); saturate(roll_angle_accum, 364088); int32_t pitch_rate_target = (pitch_angle_error * 2 * 65536 + pitch_angle_accum * 98) >> 16; int32_t roll_rate_target = (roll_angle_error * 2 * 65536 + roll_angle_accum * 98) >> 16; int16_t pitch_rate_comp = ((pitch_rate_target - (gyro.x * 4000 / 360)) * 6 * 36) >> 16; int16_t roll_rate_comp = ((roll_rate_target - (gyro.y * 4000 / 360)) * 6 * 36) >> 16; saturate(pitch_rate_comp, 250); saturate(roll_rate_comp, 250); motors.update(ppmsum.data[2], pitch_rate_comp, roll_rate_comp, 0); time += MS2ST(10); if(time > chTimeNow()) { chThdSleepUntil(time); } } } }; I2CThread i2c_thread; static const ADCConversionGroup adcgrpcfg = { FALSE, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ADC_SQR1_NUM_CH(2), 0, ADC_SQR3_SQ2_N(ADC_CHANNEL_IN14) | ADC_SQR3_SQ1_N(ADC_CHANNEL_IN15) }; class ADCThread : public BaseThread { private: adcsample_t adc_samples[2]; public: noreturn_t thread_main() { adcStart(&ADCD1, NULL); systime_t time = chTimeNow(); while (TRUE) { adcStartConversion(&ADCD1, &adcgrpcfg, adc_samples, 1); sensordata[12] = adc_samples[0] * 1265 / 1000; sensordata[13] = adc_samples[1] * 2201 / 1000; time += MS2ST(1000); chThdSleepUntil(time); } } }; ADCThread adc_thread; int main(void) { halInit(); chSysInit(); led_thread.start(); ppmsum.start(); usbs.init(); i2c_thread.start(); adc_thread.start(); motors.start(); usb_thread.usbs = &usbs; usb_thread.start(); while (1) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(1000); } } */