path: root/parsing.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing.c')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing.c b/parsing.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a5303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wctype.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "parsing.h"
+#include "channel.h"
+#include "user.h"
+#include "word.h"
+#include "export_xml.h"
+#define NICK_BUFFER_SIZE 0x100
+#define TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE 0x400
+#define LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 0x400
+#define TIME_BUFFER_SIZE 0xf
+pthread_mutex_t user_mutex, word_mutex;
+static void process_file(FILE *f, struct channel_t *channel, struct regexset_t *rs) {
+ char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ while(fgets(line, LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, f)) {
+ int rc;
+ int ovector[30];
+ rc = pcre_exec(rs->text, rs->text_e, line, strlen(line), 0, 0, ovector, 30);
+ if(rc > 0) {
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->text, line, ovector, rc, "nick", nick, NICK_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->text, line, ovector, rc, "text", text, TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->text, line, ovector, rc, "hour", hour_s, TIME_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->text, line, ovector, rc, "minute", min_s, TIME_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&user_mutex);
+ struct user_t *user = user_get(nick);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&user_mutex);
+ /* Calculate array index for lines. */
+ int hour, min, time_i;
+ hour = atoi(hour_s);
+ min = atoi(min_s);
+ time_i = hour*4 + min / 15;
+ user->lines[time_i]++;
+ channel->hours[time_i]++;
+ /* Count words. */
+ wchar_t wtext[TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ mbstowcs(wtext, text, TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ user->characters += wcslen(wtext);
+ wchar_t word[TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ wchar_t *end = wcschr(wtext, '\0');
+ *word = '\0';
+ int len = 0;
+ for(wchar_t *pos = wtext; pos < end; pos++) {
+ if(iswblank(*pos)) {
+ if(len) {
+ user->words++;
+ word[len] = '\0';
+ char mbword[TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ wcstombs(mbword, word, TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&word_mutex);
+ struct word_t *word_s = word_get(mbword);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&word_mutex);
+ word_s->count++;
+ }
+ len = 0;
+ *word = '\0';
+ } else if(iswalpha(*pos)) {
+ word[len++] = towlower(*pos);
+ } else {
+ len = 0;
+ *word = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if(len) {
+ user->words++;
+ word[len] = '\0';
+ char mbword[TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ wcstombs(mbword, word, TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&word_mutex);
+ struct word_t *word_s = word_get(mbword);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&word_mutex);
+ word_s->count++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ rc = pcre_exec(rs->join, rs->join_e, line, strlen(line), 0, 0, ovector, 30);
+ if(rc > 0) {
+ char nick[NICK_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->join, line, ovector, rc, "nick", nick, NICK_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&user_mutex);
+ struct user_t *user = user_get(nick);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&user_mutex);
+ continue;
+ }
+ rc = pcre_exec(rs->kick, rs->kick_e, line, strlen(line), 0, 0, ovector, 30);
+ if(rc > 0) {
+ char nick[NICK_BUFFER_SIZE], victim[NICK_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->kick, line, ovector, rc, "nick", nick, NICK_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pcre_copy_named_substring(rs->kick, line, ovector, rc, "victim", victim, NICK_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&user_mutex);
+ struct user_t *user = user_get(nick),
+ *victim_user = user_get(victim);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&user_mutex);
+ user->kicks++;
+ victim_user->kicked++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+struct thread_arg_t {
+ FILE *f;
+ struct channel_t *channel;
+ struct regexset_t *rs;
+static void *thread_func(void *arg) {
+ struct thread_arg_t *ta = arg;
+ process_file(ta->f, ta->channel, ta->rs);
+void process(int thread_n) {
+ pthread_mutex_init(&user_mutex, NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&word_mutex, NULL);
+ /* Parsing stuff goes here. */
+ for(int chan_i = 0; chan_i < channel_get_count(); chan_i++) {
+ user_init();
+ word_init();
+ struct channel_t *channel = channel_get(chan_i);
+ printf("Channel %s\n", channel->name);
+ struct channel_file_t *file = channel->files;
+ while(file) {
+ struct regexset_t *rs = file->rs;
+ FILE *f = fopen(file->path, "r");
+ if(!f) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\tFailed to open %s\n", file->path);
+ file = file->next;
+ continue;
+ } else
+ printf("\tParsing %s\n", file->path);
+ pthread_t *threads;
+ threads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * thread_n);
+ struct thread_arg_t ta;
+ ta.f = f;
+ = channel;
+ = rs;
+ for(int i = 0; i < thread_n; i++) {
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, thread_func, &ta);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < thread_n; i++) {
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ }
+ free(threads);
+ fclose(f);
+ file = file->next;
+ }
+ export_xml(channel, users);
+ user_free();
+ word_free();
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&user_mutex);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&word_mutex);